Peer Review: What Is The Origin Of Traditional Chinese Festivals?

Hello pod 6! Below is my peer review of your interactive learning resource ‘what is the origin of traditional Chinese festivals’

To begin, I appreciated your layout and the fact that each of your descriptions and rationales was clearly labelled and kept in one location. I loved how all of the topics were laid out almost identically, it made the overall look of your page very clean and grasping to look at! However, I noticed that the order in which the entries are posted differs from the order in which they are presented using the “Learning Resource” navigation menu at the top of the page? It may be easier for a learner to verify that they are moving through subjects and completing assignments on time/in the correct order if the topics are shown in the same order in both the navigation menu and the main “learning resource page.”

The overview of your website is very well-written and concise. Your group did an excellent job of defining all of the subjects that would be addressed in your resource; however, one recommendation I would make is to include a statement in your first topic explaining why you chose the topic of “The Origin of Traditional Chinese Festivals.” Making the learning experience relevant and meaningful can assist enhance student motivation, as discussed in EDCI335’s “Motivation and Learning” unit (James, 2022a).

I did notice that in none of the topics did you guys include any in-text citations, would you consider including in-text citations for the information presented so that the students have a reference point? It would make it much easier and more convenient while reading to acquire information on some points made in each topic! Nevertheless, a fantastic job referencing all of your sources at the bottom of each page, one thing I did notice is under all topics the references are not listed in alphabetical order! Should be an easy fix so not to worry!

I really enjoyed all of the videos and pictures you guys added! It was a great source of learning further in depth into the topic and each video was very entertaining and knowledgeable. They all caught my attention! Aswell as all of the tasks and assessments, they were very intriguing and fun to do. Very helpful to know your readers actually grasped all of the information you added and they understood it.

Overall, I enjoyed reading your resource and thought that most of it was very strong. I think your group has done a great work! I had a great time reading through all your work and learning about all the different concepts when it comes to the tradition of Chinese festivals:) I hope that my review helped provide useful feedback to your group! 


James, H. (2022a, April 5). Motivation and learning. EDCI 335 – Learning Design for Technology-Mediated Environments.

Blog Post #3: Inclusive Design

PROMPT: How can you adjust your planned learning activities to meet the needs of your learners if an unexpected event occurs? (for example, a pandemic arises and many of your employees must now work from home – how will you ensure that they can still do their jobs? What training will they need, and how will you deliver it, knowing they must remain at home?) This is a common discussion thread right now as many schools and universities have made the switch to teaching online.

In the event of unforeseeable occurrences, such as a pandemic, education and employment, my group decided to make all of our interactive learning resources and activities available online, with direct guidance. This would require each of us to have strong internet access, a device of some kind, and the capacity to work online, such as being able to respond to emails, and so on. This means we provide learners with written directions to complete videos, texts, lectures, and assignments. Nevertheless, we recognize that online learning is not for everyone. Offering two or more different options for each task could be a solution for online learning. Option one might be to read an article and take a short quiz on the material. Another option might be to read an article and write an essay summing up and simplifying its contents to demonstrate understanding.

Because everyone learns differently, I believe this strategy of providing learners with options is excellent. We can ensure the success of all of our learners by providing such options. Learning is challenging, and I believe in order to educate one another we must consider how to make learning both accessible and beneficial to all of our students as individuals have a variety of learning needs.

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